Saturday, June 7, 2008

VIrtue, an arguement

It seems that every new day brings some fresh challenge into my life. Whether for good or for bad, i am determined to remain unbowed, though sometimes it is really difficult. This is a persuasive arguement that a wrote sometime ago, read at your leisure :)

We all strive for perfection. Perfection in the things we do, in the way we look, our understanding of things around us. We leave no stone unturned in satisfying this desire, no path too dark or untendable. In the race to get to the desired end in mind, it is so easy to forget the flaws and imperfections that make us human. Often, the best of who we can be, is the current fixation in our lives. A fellow student in school who scores straight As, is an athelete, and is popular and successful. The fashion style or haircut of a famous actor or actress, her mannerisms or her charisma. Our desires for everything we dont have, his success, her looks, even God’s understanding and eternal life. We are distracted and pulled in so many directions, trying to be everything but ourselves. But who is ourselves? Are we defined by our moral values? Our looks? Our acheivements? How successful we are financially or in the number of friends and connections we have? Are we made of the ideals we undertake, the actions we do?
Morality and virtue can be reasoned with logic and expounded into circular logic to be only good--when applied in the right situations. We must not do acts of kindness in the airport, others might take advantage of us to smuggle goods. We must not give money to the old and poor along the streets because there has been cases of fake ‘ beggars’ being picked up by opulent cars after a day of ‘ work ‘. We live in a society where i have to stop and wonder, no to CONSIDER, whether its alright if i help an old woman carry her groceries up the overhead bridge. So what kind of person am i?

Not everyone is borned a historic figure. Not everyone is born with greatness in mind. Not everyone is borned perfect. Thus it is so easy, in our struggle for perfection, in our quest to be remembered, to live out our lives through simulated perfection. Drama serials on television, epic storys in the movies, adventure and fantasy in story books. We see the beauty and flawless features of actors and actresses, the meaningful and adventure filled lives of heros in movie scripts. Destiny in the worded lines of story books. So much so that everytime we look in the mirror, we are filled with dismay, and an unimaginable disgust for what we are NOT.
Take away all this, what am i left with? Who am i then? Without a name, or a label telling me who, what or where i belong--my name, my family tree, my home address, my occupation, my contacts. When i was borned, my acheivements to date, my latitude of experiences, my abilities. Can i tell you who i am? I do not know, but i am certain of this. No matter the fallacy of the world, of the society, of your spheres of influences, you are your own person. There is a choice. No matter how the logic and reasoning of your principles and ideals are dissected and torn apart in front of you, hold fast. The choice is still yours to make.

Life puts us in different situations, some less fortunate than others, but the life is still ours. There is a choice to be. It cant be said that virtue was not convenient, or i did not want to do that, but i had to. A decision was made by you, in your brain, and the order to carry it out sent to your body--A choice. Yours. Morality merely supports and influences who we are, but the choice is still ours, everytime, everyday, of what we do about it. In the end, from the greatest to the least, we all perish, what and who we are, depends on how we choose to live the life that has been given us.