Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cheers and a toast to Gods people( And important notices!) PLEASE READ!!

Heya peeps, this is happin3ss, and for once i will say that im Bon :P

Anyway enough about sad stories, enough about stern sermons, where are the songs of birds on carefree winds? I just want to congratulate Teo Mei Ping, for completing her internship in trackers and church. I think its a great thing to be able to serve, especially for so long, doing rather mundane and under stimulating jobs from nine to five. Way to go, and the drinks are on you the next time we go out k? :D :D Anyways, i guess im gonna be very free from now onwards as i would be doing a private course, sooo i would probably write alot of stuff and post it here, be sure to check in from time to time k?

Ya, anyway, todays sermon got me thinking, am i in anyway serving God? If so am i doing enough? If not, how do i take action? I for one think im not serving enough, and i want to take action. But i am unable to satisfy this immediate and pressing urge as im not sure how to volunteer. This isnt exactly a new dilemma and i was hoping elisabeth or tim could help me out. I was thinking that maybe our pcm could serve together in the same ministry? So that if any of us run into problems the rest would be able to better identify with the problem and help. It just happens that many of us are already serving as teachers or guides to the secondary ones, maybe i dont have the training to teach yet, but maybe i could be involved by interacting with and thus keeping tabs on the students, heh. Anyway, in order to encourage one and all to visit this website, im going to be posting information on our weekly outings here, so if anyone wants to find out ( and EVERYONE needs to find out ), please check the website frequently, thanks!

As for the song of birds on carefree winds... I was thining of incorporating a short worship session in our midweek meeting. Maybe just singing a song together before we eat? Doesnt have to be nice or loud, but loving God is something we all have in common right? This is where i need help from our pcm songbirds... to help pick a simple song that we all can chirp along to? I can help print the lyrics if need be, or carry a radio on my shoulders and act like those 'a hip and a hop' rappers. So ya, our group is so talented it would be a criminal waste not to let everyone hear our chirping and croaking. Heh, soooo ya, look forward to the beautiful vocals of our pcm songbirds and frog princes next week!


Mei Ping said...

Thanks Bon for congratulating me. Actually the internship wasn't as mundane and under stimulating as you made it to be (or rather the impression i gave initially). Rather, it's a very self-motivated thing and this applies to each and every staff there. How should i put it? Maybe after working there for a month, you dun want to work anywhere else?

Sure hope to see more posts from you but i believe after you start your private course, you'll be in for a hard time. Not enough time to mug even?

Kudos to Pastor Lynette's sermon which set you thinking. That's how sermons should be. It'd however be better if the congregation walks away feeling inspired to do something about it in their lives.

Not sure if singing before we tuck into our food on weds will be feasible coz we're in a public place? Look forward to seeing you all :)

Regarding your interest in serving in a minstry, there are plenty of opportunities in as many as 21 ministries. I can lend you the information sheet i got from SHAPE class, with the ministry descriptions and desired qualities. I'm not sure about elisabeth and tim's take on this. But largely, i feel it may be difficult for our entire pcm to go into any ministry together, at least not at the moment because most of us are still trying to get used to our new sec 1 ministry. Dun think leading sec 1s is so much about bible knowledge than the passion and desire to do so. I'd be so thankful if there's someone who can help keep tab on our students but unfortunately, that has to come under our responsibility. You can always hop on board the next, next next..... year. A pcm thing may be something we want to work towards, so we'll want to keep that in mind.

Elisabeth said...

Erms, i have given my contact number when they asked for volunteers the other week, so ya waiting on their call. Maybe i should sign up for the up coming camp? I could probably get in touch with the leaders that way. Will message elisabeth for the form :)