Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you my warrior???

Hi peeps, meapple here. For this once I'll say I’m mei ping.

Bon, that’s like an entry or two from you every day. You sure can write. Keep it up!!! I think it’s not that we don't want to publish our post. We just haven’t finished typing I think. Is our web link gonna be forever stuck with net gen??? Can we have a nice blog skin? I’m sure our professional sam heng knows how. Ok, I’m so not complaining. A million thanks to nerine and co. for setting up this blog. Muacks….

Anyway, just want to share a little something that happened yesterday. I was in a lift with two of my neighbours. One is a German guy or so I think. Can’t really tell his nationality. Doesn’t look American or Australian so German loh. I think I can manage a Korean from a Japanese much more easily. There’s this other old man from China. He came into the lift, smile smile and so the German guy asked ‘ni hao ma’ in Chinese. Which is like wow….we get so impressed when foreigners speak our language isn’t it. I have never really spoken to them except for having taken the old man to the post office before. Yar and so the friendliness of this German guy caught on with me and I asked him where’s he from. Actually I always wanted to ask but he looks kinda fierce, so I thought forget it. And this is when trouble begins. He uttered a mouthful of stuff which I totally cannot make out. It sounds so long I decided it must be Uzbekistan or something. Don’t ask me where’s that. I don’t have the slightest idea. I just ‘huh’ him back a couple of times. And guess what he said. It’s a place. I’m like ok, like we would be talking about food or animal? He could have spared me much agony if he told me earlier it was near Turkey. *sweatz*

By the way, I went to the Tuas area for some interview yesterday morning. And I mean it when I say it feels so out of Singapore. It takes like forever to get out of that place to the boon lay mrt. The bus looped here and there and it didn’t help that every one on the bus was foreigners. Sam Heng, you know how it feels right... ...

For those yet to know, Jun Bin and I are your very honourable and prayerful prayer ics *smirks* We want to encourage you to yes, PRAY. I was thinking of having a prayer column on the blog but I don’t know how, so it would be great if you can just post your prayer request on the blog and be real specific about how we can pray for you so we can all pray more accurately. If you prefer to email or sms, I’m sure we’re all fine with it. Nothing is too insignificant or small to be prayed about. Try to put up a prayer request with your blog entry every week. I must be the freest now amongst all of us but if need be, just drop by and say hi!!!!!

If your fish seems to be drowning or your dog is putting on weight and you want us to pray about it, feel free. If all’s going well in your life, praise the Lord. But if you feel there is a general need to pray for all who are in poly and jc, please do also raise it up. Sometimes we may have overlooked such things which are in essence very important. We’ll learn to care more about each other as we think of each other more in our daily prayers. And who knows God may impress a verse, word, vision or anything upon us to encourage our fellow brothers and sisters. We have to start somewhere if we want to become prayer warriors for one another. Let us start here will we?

There’s actually a lot of things we can pray for on our own. Do start with praise and thanksgiving. If you sometimes feel so totally brain dead, you can always pick a psalm and pray each verse as in elaborate on it and turn them into your own prayer. If we look at the weekly prayer focus in our bulletins as well as the last two pages, we will see the many needs of the people and ministries to be prayed for. Do you know that even as we come and go from the Sunday service, there is a group of people who gathers faithfully every Sunday morning to pray for the congregation that we will be transformed and touched by the word of God. 1 Chronicles 4:10 says, ‘Jabez cried out to God of Israel, “Oh, that you would BLESS ME and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be WITH ME, and KEEP ME from harm so that I will be free from pain.” AND GOD GRANTED HIS REQUEST.’ And yes, God may not answer our prayers but if we don’t pray, how can God even answer. Let us not put God in a pot k. I encourage you to make an appointment with God to attend the upcoming Corporate House of Prayer on 2nd May. Prayer is a very important pillar of any church. Let's go as a pcm group.

Ok, now you know why I don’t have a blog. Coz I can’t stop writing when I start.


1. Even as I go for scholarship or uni interviews, pray that God will continue to close and open the doors of opportunities for me according to His will. Pray that God will reveal his plan for me and grant me the serenity especially in times when I feel helpless and lost.

2. Pray also that God will show me more and more of His kingdom work during my church internship this month.

3. Pray for those who have just started poly; that they will settle into the new environment quickly and place Godly friends into their lives.

4. Pray also for the poly people who have resumed school term that they will feel rejuvenated and a renewed sense of energy, all powered up to face the new challenges ahead, drawing strength from Father.

5. Let us not forget our Nerine fighting on in JC. (You are not alone) Pray that she will be able to manage her time well as she juggles her many commitments including those in drama. Pray that she will lean on God when exhaustion sets in for we know God can give us strength to accomplish things we cannot do by our own human abilities. Pray that as she represents her class for a debate competition this Wednesday, she will be able to speak with confidence, calm and clarity and know that her preparation is more than sufficient to see her through.

In closing, I want to share with you this prayer:

O Holy Spirit of God
Visit now this soul of mine,
And tarry within it until eventide.

Inspire all my thoughts.
Pervade all my imaginations.
Suggest all my decisions.
Lodge in my will’s most inward citadel
And order all my doings.

Be with me in my silence and in my speech,
In my haste and in my leisure,
In company and in solitude,
In the freshness of the morning
And in the weariness of the evening;
And give me grace at all times to rejoice in thy mysterious companionship.

John Baillie (A Diary of Private Prayer)

Mark 11:24 - “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

-Your beloved meapple-

1 comment:

Samantha Heng said...

Yupps, i know how it feels, once was enough. Tuas is super ulu and super far.. Heh i warned you about the bus before though =x

Luckily, i used to take the company bus, so only took the sbs one when i went for interview (: