Sunday, April 27, 2008

A miracle in my life, a rather interesting one at that :P

One of the miracles that happened, which i often recall so i dont forget what God has done for me, happened when i was 14 going on 15, in Saint Francis Methodist. I was in secondary one, and met a girl, lee cheng from malaysia. At that time, i was very much young and innocent. Me and another guy friend, along with lee cheng and another girl, were the most outspoken and dominant in class. Thus it was somehow mutually agreed that we would become attached together on the same day. It was one of the most planned and coordinated relationship i ever had so far :-/. Anyway, we were chummy and got along happily, going out together, doing work together, and basically time flew.

As the relationship progressed and one thing led to another, we began kissing. And mind you, i had no idea what a kiss was besides what i saw on TV. Somehow i expected it to mean more than a wet disgusting stain on the lips, but it was what other couples did, so i guess we should do it too. One day, while we were doing our project work at her house, she suddenly kissed me. And not just any ordinary kiss, but a french one! I was so shocked at the explosion of my senses that i jerked back. It was after that, along with other smaller incidents( she asked me why i kept holding her by her tummy, and me replying cluelessly 'where else should i hold you then?' ~ ) that lead me to realise that she was at lest more matured than me in this aspect.
But it wasnt until an incident some time later that i started praying fervently for a smooth breakup.

We were in my room with my friend and his girlfriend, chatting and playing, with loud laughter and lots of jumping around. Soon, when it was late afternoon and they left, she suggested we play a game. The game was to try and hold her down and not let her get up. I was tired from the long day, but said ok. This is where the concussions i received from butting skulls with her must have fuzzed up my memory. Suffice to say we tussled and that girls are alot stronger than they appear to be. I held her down with my arms legs and yes even my head, but still she bucked me around like a ronto on a bull. After just a short while we both were exhausted, and lay there panting. Soon after, she went home. It was only later in hindsight that i realised she wanted the physical contact, and yes i was at fault too. I was horrified at the prospect of how things could have gotten out of hand irrevocably, and was shellshocked. The realisation was like a slap to my face, and i began to see i was treading on thin ice.

So i began to reduce my contact with her, not going out with her unless it was in a group, an so on. And i began to pray, attending regular services and special events, constantly praying for a breakup. And one day, after a huge event in church, where i prayed really really hard at the altar calling, i received a call from her while walking home. She proposed to break up because her mom had come to know about our relationship!! YAY! Er i mean, ok, i should be sad and sensitive and stuff, but i was seriously awed and elated, and i guess thats when i made a big mistake. In my awe and relief, i told her i had been praying HARD for a breakup for some time now. Diao, stupid i know. She was all honey and understanding during that conversation, and i went home happy. Then the next day came, and hell has no fury like a womans scorn. Period. Well to sum up a long and unhappy period, she shifted class and started spreading gossip and bad stuff about me... how i know? One of her new friends marched into my classroom and grabbed me by my tie, yelling in my face -.- Anyway... the friend apologised to me later and well, it was an experience :)



Mei Ping said...

Experience indeed...suppose it doesn't exclude the physical part....

Elisabeth said...

Sigh, sometimes talking just isnt enough, sometimes you just wana hug someone, and that hug is worth all the words in the world :)


Mei Ping said...

ok, i dun suppose that applies very much between the opposite sexes :/