Thursday, April 24, 2008


A few days ago, my friend told me she didn’t receive the interview letter from NUS med school while her friends did. Maybe the letter is still on the way? Maybe the letter may just appear later? Who knows? Indeed, she’s disappointed but that didn’t discourage her from wanting to be a gynecologist, unlike some of us who change our ambition every other week. Guess what…For a while in JC, I wanted to become a doctor too! Why…not sure if it’s fair to make a statement like this….I feel we’re sorely lacking in good doctors. I don’t doubt their knowledge and expertise but how many doctors out there truly care for their patients? Like it or not, being a doctor means giving up your life for your patients. A medical student must be able to pick things up fast and cope with the demands of the gruelling course. I’ve witnessed my friend’s abilities and know that she is more than capable to surmount the challenge. Isn’t it sad when there’re people out there applying for medicine for fun knowing they’ll reject the offer later and causing much misery to those who have identified it as their calling. How many times do nurses have to suffer the wrath of doctors? Nurses seem to be having a really tough time ensuring that everything is in place for the doctors. Some claim they want to be doctors because they hope to help the poor and sick in developing countries. It is a noble cause no doubt but sure hope they mean every single word of it.

Talking about the university which has distinguished itself to be uniquely different. CEOs of big companies have spoken well of these graduates but it really isn’t a place for everybody. To friends yearning to study there, first open your eyes wide. Feels as if students there are conditioned to become a certain fit or rather, students there are already of a certain fit – the kind you can’t miss. Whatever you call it - foretaste of the corporate world or survival of the fittest. You must be prepared to ‘fight’ and ‘kill’ if necessary. A place which breeds another kind of elitism, to the point where some become rude, pompous and forget what respect for others means. You may beg to differ but to me, a good school is one which accommodates students of various learning styles and allows them each to develop their fullest potential and find their niche. There’re many paths to success and who says loud and aggressive always win the deal.

Enough of the world, it’s still more comforting to return to the domain of God. We are told to fear the Lord for the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” but have we considered what it really means? Do we sometimes obey God because we are afraid we will suffer his wrath and be denied of His grace and blessings. He's after all the righteous judge. One of the things which would immediately come to my mind is tithing. The principle of tithing is in fact very powerful. Tithing is not just merely giving one-tenth of our income to the Lord. When we give 10% of our money and time to God, the remaining 90% will be blessed in turn. Yes, it’s this powerful!!! It is said in Malachi 3:10 – Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Remember our good old school days when we find ourselves doing better in the exams because we trusted God and spent time praying to Him and resting instead of cramming pointlessly. In essence, tithing is not even about how much we give to God. One tenth is just a guideline. If we can give half our fortunes away without meaning anything, God rather we not give. Tithing is about giving our best to God cheerfully, gratefully and unconditionally.

We must, however, not go away with the wrong impression of God. How can we be so frightened and scared of a God the same way we are scared of someone who threatens and demands? Isn’t He the kind and loving Father who desires to develop that intimate and personal relationship with us? Then what kind of fear is it that the bible is talking about? Just as we are fearful of disappointing a loved one, we should be fearful of disappointing God’s standard for us. We revere Him so much that we want to respect Him, submit to His discipline and worship Him in awe.

Blessed indeed are those who have something to give to others. Do we then sometimes feel we are superior to be in a position of a giver/donor than a recipient who is often deemed as helpless? Seems after all, the life of the recipient is pitiful. In God’s kingdom, some are weaker than others and some are stronger but the point is not about who is the stronger one. What He intends for us is to do our part and focus on God. My mentor, Helen, went to Vietnam recently for a mission trip. The pastor there told of an incident whereby a group of female believers gathered in the secret to celebrate Christmas. Not only did the police raid the place, they raped the women too. How atrocious!!! It’s so easy for them to stop believing in a God who seems to not protect them despite their faithfulness. Isn’t it easier to be a Christian here in Singapore whereby persecution is nothing like what these ladies have suffered? I think the answer is obvious.


Praise the Lord that Lynette and Jun Bin are able to join us for dinner this week!!! Pray that our PCM group (the name will come soon) will grow closer together as we invest time in fellowshipping with one another. The next best thing after dwelling in the presence of God is to spend time with God’s people. Pray that we will be constantly reminded of the reasons why we are put into each others’ lives. And that we may inspire, encourage and spur each other on towards greater spiritual growth.

In line with last week’s sermon, let us also pray that we will offer God the best and nothing but the best for we deserve nothing that we have in this world. Pray that we will give him the firstborn of everything. It isn’t about the amount that we give but our heart which dictates what we give and how willingly we give.


Don’t we sometimes fear sufferings too? Like to share this short excerpt from Max Lucado's On the Anvil: Stories on being Shaped into God's Image with Sam Leong, Elisabeth and all who are going through a rough patch. Lucado’s stories and cartoons are simply lovely. He uses wood people, stars and dots to convey powerful messages!!! Enjoy…

A blacksmith places a smouldering iron on the anvil to be remoulded. The smith knows the type of instrument he wants. He knows the size. He knows the shape. He knows the strength.The hammer pounds and the softened metal responds. But the response doesn’t come easily. It doesn’t come without discomfort. To melt down the old and recast it as new is a disrupting process. Yet the metal remains on the anvil, allowing the toolmaker to remove the scars, repair the cracks, refill the voids, and purge the impurities.And with time, a change occurs: What was dull becomes sharpened, what was crooked becomes straight, what was weak becomes strong, and what was useless becomes valuable.Then the blacksmith stops. He ceases his pounding and sets down his hammer. In the still silence, he examines the smoking tool. The incandescent implement is rotated and examined for any mars or cracks.There are none.Now the smith enters the final stage of his task. He plunges the smouldering instrument into a nearby bucket of water. With a hiss and a rush of steam, the metal immediately begins to harden. The heat surrenders to the onslaught of cool water, and the pliable, soft mineral becomes an unbending useful tool.

“For a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (I Peter 1:6-7)


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