Monday, April 14, 2008

My first day at school...

Super tiring!!
Today was a day when i finally had to accept the fact that my topography skills are, like the hokkien would say, KANA SAI. I wandered around campus till my shoulders ached from my backpack ( no i wasnt going to climb any mountains >.<), my toes felt numb from being stubbed so much cause i was changing direction all the time, and sweat was pouring down my face due to the heat ( at lest i would like to think that was the cause >.<). Not exactly the ' cool ' beginning i envisioned.

Sigh lessons were really grating on the nerves, and dealing with unfamiliar programmes and notes didt help. I actually preferred the 4 hour maths lecture and tutorial to the 2 hour ELTECH lesson, mainly because the ELTECH teacher was a fossil who couldt get past reiterating the names of the scientists who discovered... THE ATOM~.

Well i guess i did meet some friends, but i was really disinterested and couldt really be bothered to initiate conversations. Maybe my expectations were too high... after all it is the first day of school...sigh, well i guess i would have to grit my teeth and find out :-/.


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