Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Experience in School

Hey! I'm really glad that we have this blog for us to communicate. It's really a great idea. Anyway, i'm fine in the new school environment that i'm in. Last friday was my first day where i met all my friends from the same class. At first, I felt that i was simply alone and i wouldn't know anyone from my class or even my course. But to my amazement, i knew a few people. I remember asking God for a friend that I can go with on my 4th year to Australia. And true enough, he granted me a friend who is also on the same scholarship as i am. wow! God can really work wonders. Soon, I found out friends from the same JC as i was and connections with other people too. Although orientation was a little boring and draggy(I'm super glad that it was only 1 day), I really felt blessed to have people whom i know and can relater to.

On my first few days in school, lessons was really great. Although a few days ago, I started questioning myself whether I truely like Biology and I was afraid and paranoid about it because I recalled how i didn't really enjoy studying that subject in my Secondary School days. But i didn't feel bored in anatomy or physiology lectures. Somehow, I have this impression that I am studying much more than what my friends are doing. Somehow, I don't really know where this drive and determination come from to study hard and to find out things which I don't really understand. Sometimes I do question myself whether the very nature of me is to be curious and find things out for myself. But i was glad to find out that i have fellow school mates/ course mates that are believers of Jesus. It's really comforting to be around people who believes in the same God. I'm really glad to meet this people and I'm sure this people are placed in my live for a reason.

I didn't have Biology background in JC. I couldn't really understand what my lecturer was talking about. I felt lousy and just wanted to find out more for myself. I know I want to do well for my studies not only because it's the requirement of my scholarship but also doing it for God. After all, i know i don't deserve the A Level results that He hasn't given me. But i know, in return I should just do my best. He is our strength. Somehow, I feel that God has placed me in this journey in a polytechnic for a reason. Maybe it's to prepare me for my education in Australia. Maybe it's for my dream to be an Occupational Therapist and a missionary working overseas and maybe it's to be independent and not to always rely on people around me. God has a GREAT plan for each of us.

Just wanted to encourage all of you out there who are struggling and facing difficulties in life that God knows the every path that we take and He will direct us to wherever He wants us to go.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

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