Sunday, April 20, 2008


hey everyone! Just wanted to share something with you all. As you all know, i'm going through a really difficult time in school. I've been really down and troubled this few days and finding it difficult to adapt to the new school environment. But many thoughts came through my mind and made me reflect and really cry out to God for help even in this time of need.

I've been really exhausted from school last week. I'm sorry if i've been really down and affecting everyone around me. But fret not! I've gotten over it and I'm better now. Just as I return to youth service this sunday, after missing it for the last 2 weeks, I was really looking forward to coming to service to be in church and experiencing Him again. I wanted God to give me a special touch especially during this down side of my life. Sometimes i wonder if God saw me through my A levels and gave me incredible results so that my faith will be tested in such a time like this. I know that if I hadn't experience God during my A levels, i know i wouldn't have persevered on and have the courage and faith to face the many difficulties in this new and challenging course. During service today, somehow i wasn't able to sing any of the worship songs. Maybe because my heart was troubled and weary and all i needed was a time to cry out to God and to surrender everything to Him. Somehow during the service, my eyes kept welling up with tears as the congregation sang each song. The emotions that have always been hidden in me finally was poured out and expressed. I knew that everything I was feeling at that time, God knew. He was always there watching over me.

Coincidentally, today's sermon was about TRUSTING and SURRENDERING everything to Him. WOW! I knew I wasn't here by chance and God has used many ways to comfort me and to assure me of His presence wherever I go. Today's service was really meaningful to me as it reassured me of my FAITH in Him and to persevere on and just TRUST in Him. Today's service really gave me a new perspective to the problem that I was facing. It gave me strength not to fear of my future and gave me the courage to face tomorrow. I know God has placed me in this situation for a reason.

To all of you, don't be discourage when you're facing any problems of this world. Just remember to SURRENDER TO HIM, TRUST IN HIM and HAVE FAITH IN HIM. He will make straight the paths. Who knows! God may just uncover solutions to your problems. Here's a verse for all of you! Have a good week!


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do noy be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

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